Hi Ladies that quote came from the readings of "Piracy and Pirates"
What is Piracy? " the using of creative property of others without permission"
Who are the Pirates " the flee(ers)
Are we as americans gulity?
Yes Yes Yes. and not only americans its nationwide, including Asia and Eastern Europe.
According the ariticles, piracy is happening EVERYDAY. It is most common in film, records, radio, and cable tv.
Just a little history: Thomas Edison fromed The Motions Pictures Patents Company, "MPPC"; to mininize the using others work or property without permission. So as a result "users" assume the right were only in USA, and went outside of the country to monopilze. "The pirates"
Here are some examples:
Independent film makers (the napsters of film)
Independent film makers confiscated unliscenced equipment to produced unliscence films
In 1909 (wow) Congress amended a Copyright act; companies were free to distribute copies of recording so ling as they paid the composers or copyright holders.
When a radio stations plays a record on the air "public perfomance" of the composer work. the radio station owes the composer .
In other words everytime you be-bopping to your favorite tune in the radio in your car, that artist may be making millions. unless they are not the orginal artist, otherwise "REMIXEDDDDDD"
Cable is fairly "New" When the cable entrepreners first began wiring communities with cable in 1948, most refused to pay brocasters espeically local tv stations (CATV).
In finalle, Pirates and Piracy happend then and it still happening now. think about if you have purchased a second dvd, cd, pocketbook, parfume, i can continue on and on but i wont. I am beginning to feel GUILTY?
Are you GUILTY????