Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cool Website

Hi guys
My students have been creating noun menus in my English class.  They have been using the lap tops everyday to create their own restaurant.  (then, they identify certain nouns)  They showed me a cool website to make a collage.  You have to register, but this site is totally free.
Here is the website 
Say you are making a collage with different types of food.  You actually drag the pictures you want into a blank frame and lay the pictures however you want.  Then you print from this same webpage too.  The students have been creating some great covers for their projects!
Maybe you can use this in your classroom or maybe for a fun project for yourself!

1 comment:

kate said...

Phellissa I registered and I used it in my classroom on Friday to create a collage.My kids loved it.I know that I will use it often with my kids in the future.Thanks for the info.kate