Saturday, September 6, 2008

eschool news

How timely!
There is an article on (
entitled: Student videographers prove ed tech works.
Give it a read!


Carey said...

Great article find. Obviously technology has become integrated into almost every aspect of our lives, but it was interesting to read about how it was the students discoveries and opinions that mattered the most in this case. It is good to know that the children really believe that the technological advances are helping them in school and at home. It is funny because we were talking about the generational gap between some of us in class, and even at 21 years old when I am in the classroom, I feel a generational gap. It is great to see the students as young as 1st and 2nd grade so familiar with the computer and they know how to navigate through pretty much as well as I do. I really enjoyed the article because of the focus on the kids perspectives and opinions. See you Saturday : )

Anonymous said...

I agree with i read the articles posted under external links.."it was mindblowing" that students as early 1st and 2nd graders were so technology savvy. I have nevered "blogged" a day in my life. The students have their own interest in blogging, they feel confident, the students wanted to display their classroom outside the classroom to share with other students especially their distant family members. Overall,"blogging in the classroom", is this new method of teaching..the demonstrates students own interest and they are very comfortable with ideas. Two Thumbs Up!!

Laurence said...

I am still baffled, as a teacher, that the majority of students are not afraid to stand in front of the camera. Meanwhile, when it comes to doing a presentation in front of the class, they are a mess. What gives them confidence when being video taped. Is it that you cannot SEE the audience? How do you bridge the gap?