Thursday, October 23, 2008

Participating as reviewers

Hey, I need a favor from y'all. A middle school teacher, Tracy T., has been working with her Grade 6, 7 and 8 students and a range of new literacies in her "Extreme Reading" program. Part of this program includes a rich set of spoken and illustrated poems created by the students themselves. A key component of putting one's work "out there" on the internet is having others' read and respond to it (see Jessica's fanfic and reviewer comment etc.). If you have time, I'd really appreciate you reading one or two of the poems and leaving good substantive feedback (beyond the "Wow. so cool!" type). You'll see I've been leaving some comments myself which I've actually modelled on the kinds of reviews people write for fanfics on


Jessica Cavaleri said...

That's such a great project! The poems were awesome. What a great way to incorporate new literacies into the classroom! I commented on the shopping poem, but forgot to type my name as the person who commented so it says anonymous.

Colin and/or Michele said...

Lovely--thanks so much, Jessica!